Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Homework #5 Process Journal 2

The stage that i am in is the plan vs. plan stage. that's step 2. so far i did all of the the first and the third one. i skip the second one because i needed more information. now i am about to finish the second step.

Homework #4 Process Journal 1

The Design Cycle is the problem solving method that you have been using, unconsciously, for years. the steps that are in the design cycle are:
Step 1: Investigate vs. Read.
Step 2: Plan vs. Plan
Step 3: Create vs. Solve.
Step 4: Evaluate vs. Check
When you are making a design cycle you need to be open minded.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Current Events #2

Spared in war , Libya's oil flow is surging back

This article is about a war in Libya and bullets holes in the oil tanks have been patched, the damaged backup generator is being repaired but the most important thing is that the big main pipeline has been reopened. the war is bad for the oil business because the country's 40 critical oil and gas field were seriously damaged in the war.Libya's oil production remains at about 40 percent.

What can be done to solve this issue is that they should stop the war. if there was no war there will be no bullets in the oil tanks and there will be no issue. i think that the local government is in a postion to effect change because the government is like in charger and the should stop the war. the should keep everything in order.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Homework #4

the steps that i am going to take to make my design process is get information about my artist. i will try to get and find the problems of people in the world so mt artist (maak millz) can rap about it and help them and tell them what should they do. then i will get some nice smooth beats . i will make a cover that will represent peace and freedom and power. the album will be name "the one".

Homework #3

Collect biographical information on the artist of your album cover.
The artist for my album is meek millz. His real name is Robert Rahmeek Williams. he was born May 6, 1987.His skills are so natural that he has a flow like no other. Born May 6, 1987 under the astrological sign of Taurus, Robert Rahmeek Williams adopted the rap name “Meek Mill” after family and friends from his neighborhood kept referencing him by his middle name. Meek is coined as the latest rap phenomenon to come out of the city of Philadelphia.Raised in the North Philadelphia section of the city with his sister and inspired by his mother and father; who died when he was five, Meek Mill began taking the rap game seriously at the age of 12 after losing a street battle to neighboring rappers.

Homework #2

1. What is the task?
2. What is the problem? How can we create a… that will… ?
3. Are we offering a product, a solution, or both?
4. How will we attract our target audience?
5. What does our target audience want to see?
6. What will you use to make it?
7. When will this be made?
8. What is the artist name and were is he/she from?
9. What is the album going to be about?
10. What is the name of the album?

1. The task is to create an album and to make people buy it.
2. the problem is how can we create an album that will sell.
3. we are offering a product.
4. We attract our audience by seeing there problem and listen to the problem.
5. Our target audience is to connect to ther problems.
6. i will use books and the web to get information to make the album.
7. This should be made in lest than a year.
8. my artist that i will use is meek millz
9. the album is going going to be about our audience problem to help them
10. The one.

Homework #1

One brand that i am familiar with is nike.
the nike slogan is "just do it". they mean by this is if you want to do some thing or try something u should "just do it". some solution my brand offer is that the clothes that you put on it should help you in what are you doing. yes the brand clearly convey the message because its "just do it" and if its about sports they should try it.


Sunday, April 3, 2011

Blog Entry # 4.12 Process

What have been added to my cereal box was colors and cereal bowl with cereal in it. In the background there is two colors Black and Yellow. What i need to add in the front of the box is a spoon and the title of the cereal box.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Blong Entry #4.10 Slogans

1.Breakfest of Ballet dancers
2.Ballet O's it makes you wanna dance
3.Need to get your day started eat Ballet O's
4.Need that push eat Ballet O's
5.Im crazy for my Ballet O's

I think that "Need to get your day started eat Ballet O's" is the best slogan because when people just woke up they have no energy the can eat ballet O's they will have energy so the can finsh the day.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Blong Entry #4.9 Cereal Names

1.Mikhail puff's
2.Captian Mikhail
3.Mikhail O's
4.Russian Barys O's
5.Ballet O's

I think Ballet O's is the best name for the cereal because Mikhail Baryshnikov was aBallet dancer so when they see the cereal and see the name and picture the will think that he was a good ballt Dancer to be on a cereal box.

Blong Entry # 4.8 target consumer

The consumer that my cereal box will try to attract people that like ballet and want to learn about ballet and Mikhail Baryshnikov. They can learn alot of facts about Mikhail Baryshnikov and why was he so famous and why he is he in history. This will give people information about how to be a good ballet dancer what to do to make it.

Blog Entry #4.6 Person Research

1. Name of Notable Person: Mikhail Baryshnikov

2. Web Addresses of all Sources

3. Biographical Information

a. Date of Birth and Death-1968–present

b. Place of Birth and Death (or current residence):Born in Riga

c. Family (e.g. parents, siblings, spouse, children):Lisa Rinehart

d. Education-He went to schools for Stalinist officers children at 16 he went to The Vaganova School in Leningrad

e. Occupation-he was one of the greatest ballet dancers of the 20th century.

4. Two-three Quotes (either about the person of from the person)

1. “I do not try to dance better than anyone else. I only try to to dance better than myself.”

2.“Acting is not my language at all.”

3.“I am not the first straight dancer or the last.”

5. Significant contribution(s) to World History

6. Ten terms related to the person







7.One of the best

8.Good person

9.He dont give up

10.Hard worker

7. Timeline of at least five important dates in the person’s life

1.A native of Riga, Mikhail Baryshnikov was born in 1948 and began studying ballet at the age of nine.
2.In 1979, Baryshnikov moved from American Ballet Theatre to work with master choreographer George Balanchine at New York City Ballet.

3.During his illustrious ballet career, Baryshnikov danced more than 100 different works, from the classics Giselle and Don Quixote to Twyla Tharp’s Push Comes to Shove and George Balanchine’s Apollo, and he was a leading guest artist on the world’s greatest stages.

4.n addition to his career in dance, Baryshnikov has pursued acting, starring in five films, including his Oscar-nominated performance in The Turning Point.

5.Baryshnikov began taking photographs as an avocation in the mid-1980’s, and since then, his photographs have been exhibited in a variety of museums and galleries all over the world.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Blog Entry #4.7 Image Research

Blong Entry #4.5 Design Brief

I am going to design and make a cereal box is to give alot of information about the person i was assgined to. The goal is to attract people to read and look at the cereal box and learned so information about the person. I am targeting the tastes because nobody is going to buy the box if the cereal is nasty. What i would like to include in my Design is pictures, lots of color and history about the person.

Blong Entry #4.4 Plan

What i need to complete this task is :
-Cereal box's
- Details
- A good slogan
-Target an age group
- Lots of ideas

Blong Entry #4.3 Adult cereal box

1. This designer has targeted adults with this cereal box by putting a heart and bee is trying to help the heart.
2. This gender of adult is targeted to people that is the age of 21+
3. The slogan is part of this good breakfast.

Blong Entry #4.2 Children cereal box

1. This designer has targeted children with this cereal box because he put alot of colors and kids like colorful things.

2.This is for around the age's of 4-8 years old because i see a bird and lots of colors so kids like things with animals and color.

3.The advertsing slogan is a fruity delight in evry bite

Blong Entry #4.1 Design Task

For this design task we were asked to make a cereal box about the person that you picked. You have yo give lots of facts and deatils about the person you was assigned to.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Blong Entry # 3.16 human ingenuity evaluation

the type of tours im looking for is tours that never been to the country and like to try new things.

Blong Entry # 3.14 create evaluation

if i had to rate my adobe illustrator skills i will give myself and 4 because i understand most of it not all of it. For exmaple where to save my work.

Blong Entry # 3.14 design evaluation

what can imporve in my poster is more color to the background and amore pictures

Blong Entry # 3.10 Process journal 3

What have been add to my poster is the names of the picture and what i will try to add is more colors in the background.

Blong Entry # 3.10 Process journal 2

so far i have done all of the pictures know all i have to do is labble all of the pictures
and i can be putting more time in this poster

Blong Entry # 3.8 target consumer

i will put in my my post that will attract tourist is pictures of the food that is in the country. i will put builds like for exmaple landmakers.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Blog Entry #3.7 - Image Research (A)

Blog Entry #3.6 - Country Research (A)

  1. Name of Country: Swaziland
  2. Basic Facts
    1. Capital City: Lobamba
    2. Population: 1,185,000
    3. Monetary Unit/Currency:lilangeni
    4. Official Language(s): English,Siswati
  3. Current Leader:Mswati 3

Name and Photo:

  1. Flag:

Map of Country:

Friday, February 4, 2011

Blog Entry #3.2- Dream Destination

1. I would like to visit japan.

2.I am interested in japan because it is a big and nice country. i wanna visit the japan baseball team

Blog Entry #3.1- Design Task

For this project we have we had to pick a country. the country that we pick we have to do a big poster about it and why people should go to the country and have fun.