Monday, October 24, 2011

Homework #2

1. What is the task?
2. What is the problem? How can we create a… that will… ?
3. Are we offering a product, a solution, or both?
4. How will we attract our target audience?
5. What does our target audience want to see?
6. What will you use to make it?
7. When will this be made?
8. What is the artist name and were is he/she from?
9. What is the album going to be about?
10. What is the name of the album?

1. The task is to create an album and to make people buy it.
2. the problem is how can we create an album that will sell.
3. we are offering a product.
4. We attract our audience by seeing there problem and listen to the problem.
5. Our target audience is to connect to ther problems.
6. i will use books and the web to get information to make the album.
7. This should be made in lest than a year.
8. my artist that i will use is meek millz
9. the album is going going to be about our audience problem to help them
10. The one.

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